Be a Barnabas

If you know me, you know that one of my favorite shows is Hallmark Channel’s When Calls the Heart, based on Janette Oke’s Canadian West series of books.  I say "one of" like it's a healthy thing and not an over-the-top obsession.  But, yeah.

Photo Credit: Hallmark Channel

In the show, the “bad guy” is Henry Gowen, played by Martin Cummins.  First, he was the head of the coal mine, but he lost that title when a judge ruled that the mine disaster was a result of his negligence.  Then, he weaseled his way into the position of mayor of Hope Valley, but he ended up in hot water after he embezzled funds from the town.  Now, he has served his time and has returned to Hope Valley with hat in hand, working for the saw mill and answering to former outlaw and bad boy Jesse Flynn (played by Aren Buchholz) as his boss.  Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Photo Credit: Hallmark Channel

But Abigail.  Abigail sees something in him.  Abigail Stanton (played by Lori Loughlin), the widow of one of the coal miners killed in the disaster, is now the mayor of Hope Valley, as well as Gowen’s former business partner in the café.  They have a complicated history.  One might call them frenemies.

Photo Credit: Hallmark Channel

When everyone else sees Gowen as a lost cause, Abigail truly believes that he is a changed man.  See this preview for this week’s episode (hang in there for the Sneak Peek at the end):

Abigail is an encourager, just as Barnabas was to Paul (Acts 9).  Now, I’m not equating Gowen to the apostle Paul, but follow me along this Damascus road, if you will, to see how the gift of encouragement can go a long way.

After Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, he returned to Jerusalem a changed man.  He was now Paul, follower of Christ.  But people didn’t easily forget who and what he had been: Saul, persecutor of Christians.  Upon his return, he attempted to join the apostles, but they were afraid of him, and I’m sure at least a little skeptical of his sincerity.

Enter Barnabas.  Barnabas means “son of encouragement.” Barnabas had a special gift for encouraging others wherever he went.  Acts 9:27 tells us Barnabas took Saul and “brought him to the apostles.”  He encouraged Paul to try again.  He encouraged the others to give him a chance.  Because of the good example Barnabas set, the others accepted Paul as a brother in Christ.  Sometimes it only takes one person to reach out.

In Acts 11, Barnabas was sent to the growing church at Antioch.  According to verse 23, Barnabas “encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.”  The main point he was encouraging them to recognize what that we must plan in advance to be dedicated to the Lord.  The moment of crisis is not the time to decide whether or not to rely on the Lord.  Like these first Christians, Barnabas’ words encourage us to plan to stay faithful, knowing trials will come our way.

Everywhere he went, Barnabas encouraged those around him.  

Let’s look for ways to be a Barnabas in another’s life.  Let’s take every opportunity to encourage fellow believers, especially those who others consider a lost cause.


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